Outlet & Switch Installation
Our Mid-South electricians are licensed individuals whose expertise lies in both residential and commercial types of electrical systems. They have gone through years of comprehensive training and education. Therefore, not only do they possess intensive knowledge of plugs and sockets, but they also have extensive experience in the field.
Unlike inexperienced DIYers, our professionals always attack an installation project in a systematic and scientific way. They study the blueprint of the house, and then create a plan tailored to the project. This often includes fixing simple and more complex electrical problems, providing additional electrical plugs and sockets, or transferring existing sockets to other areas.

All of these are done following good working practices and safety standards. Our electricians have the right knowledge and the right tools to make their work safer, easier, and more efficient. At Custom Electrical Solutions, your electrical system is in good hands!
Give Us A Call At (662) 812-3169
If you are a Restaurant owner, Plant supervisor, Property Manager, Department Store Manager, or a Housewife; you need to have our number ready on speed dial encase of any emergency that may arise. With our prompt and professional team, you will never have to worry about being without power for long. We are here to service all of your electrical needs and will do it with a winning attitude.